The Rahi are creatures of Mata Nui and Metru Nui. Most are
harmless except if they are controlled by an infected mask. However, that is
only Mata Nui Rahi. Rahi are still dangerous, don't mess with them.
Rahi of Mata Nui
The Rahi are powerful beasts who have been made to serve Makuta by infected
masks. The Toa have captured many Rahi and tamed them, so they now serve the
Matoran villagers.
The Nui-Rama resemble large, flying insects. They can be found throughout Mata
Nui, though it is believed they make their nests in Lewa's jungles. Nui-Rama
spend most of their time in the air, spying on the Toa for Makuta or stalking
their prey.
Like all Rahi, the Nui-Rama are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If
the masks are removed, they will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed.
Because they have the ability to fly at great speeds, the Le-Koronan sometimes
ride them in addition to the Kahu.
The Nui-Jaga are huge, scorpion-like creatures. They can be found primarily in
the deserts of Po-Wahi, though they have been spotted in the jungles and along
the coast as well. Nui-Jaga normally hunt in pairs.
Like all Rahi, the Nui-Jaga are controlled by the infected masks they wear. If
the masks are removed, the Nui-Jaga will cease fighting and can sometimes even
be tamed, but their claws and powerful stingers make the Turaga reluctant to
have the Nui-Jaga in their villages.
Tarakava live in the oceans and rivers of Mata Nui, preferring the shallows
close to the shoreline. They are huge, lizard-like creatures that almost always
hunt in pairs. Those Matoran villagers who sail the waters of Mata Nui have
learned to fear the Tarakava more than any other Rahi.
Like all Rahi, the infected masks they wear control Tarakava. If the masks are
removed, they will cease fighting and can sometimes even be tamed. The Matoran
villagers of Ga-Koro often take pity on stunned Tarakava and bring them into
their village to care for them.
& Kane-Ra
Although they are very different creatures, Muaka and Kane-Ra work together
because Makuta wishes them to do so. Muaka is a large tiger-like creature and
Kane-Ra resembles a great bull. They are two of the most powerful Rahi.
Like all Rahi, Muaka and Kane-Ra are controlled by the infected masks they wear.
If the masks are removed, the two will cease fighting and can sometimes even be
The Manas were the powerful guardians of Makuta. They resemble huge crabs and
their sheer power and vicious tempers are legendary. Only the Toa Kaita have
ever faced the Manas, and it took all their strength to defeat them.
Like all Rahi, Manas can be defeated by knocking off their infected masks. No
one knows if a maskless Manas can be tamed.
In addition to the Rahi, many
less fierce or even harmless animals live on the island. These creatures live in
relative harmony with the Matoran.
The Fusa resemble kangaroos, and are known for their powerful hind legs. Fusa
are most often found near Po-Koro and along the eastern coast of Mata Nui, and
are relatively harmless unless provoked. Their natural enemies include the Muaka
and the Takea.
The Husi is a large bird resembling an ostrich. Though it can be dangerous (it
has a habit of pecking), the Husi is more often tamed and traded at bazaars in
return for goods and services. Husi spend their time among the rocky crags of
The Makika are large, highly dangerous toad-like creatures who dwell in the
caves near Po-Koro. Makika rarely venture out of their caves, but will defend
their territory against any intruders. They are prized by Matoran for their
acidic venom, which is of great use when mining or tunneling through stone.
This great horned beast roams the plains of Mata Nui in herds. Even the Rahi
steer clear of the Vako, who are capable of charging at great speeds. The Po-Koro
Matoran have attempted to tame the Vako a few times, but without success.
The Hikaki is a small creature resembling a dragon, and is a native of the
region surrounding the Mangai Volcano. They seem to thrive amidst the molten
lava, and there is an old Matoran legend that the Hikaki actually feed off the
fire. As with many other creatures of Mata Nui, the Hikaki is dangerous mainly
when its nest is disturbed.
The Hoto are firebugs
who reside in the Ta-Koro region. Though quite small, their habit of tunneling
using the sheer, searing heat given off by their bodies has resulted in
rockslides and collapses of some Matoran structures. They are regarded as a
The Ruki
is a fish that can be found all along the coast of Mata Nui. It is known for its
powerful, snapping jaws and habit of chewing through Matoran fishing nets.
Although much smaller, the Ruki are a natural enemy of the Tarakava, and schools
of them have been known to drive the Rahi off.
Before Makuta infected the powerful Tarakava and sent them against the Matoran,
the Takea were considered to be the most dangerous creatures in the sea. Dubbed
the "king of sharks," just the rumor of a Takea in the water is enough to send
the Matoran of Ga-Koro scrambling to shore.
These bog snakes are found most often in the vicinity of Le-Koro. They are
natural enemies to the Ghekula and other small reptiles and amphibians that live
in the swamps.
The Hoi
are flying swamp turtles that dwell in the vicinity of Le-Koro. They are slow
and relatively harmless. The arrival of the Lehvak forced many of the Hoi to
move into coastal waters, where they have had a harder time surviving. Gali and
the Ga-Koro Matoran have made an extra effort to aid and protect the Hoi.
called the Kewa, the Goko-Kahu are vultures who are much prized by the Le-Koro
Matoran. The Matoran have managed to tame many of these birds and train them to
come in response to the playing of a flute.
The Taku
is a close relative of the Goko-Kahu, though a much smaller bird. Unlike its
scavenging cousin, the Taku is aquatic, capable of diving to great depths to
catch fish.
The Fikou is a dangerous
tree spider found in the jungles of Mata Nui. It is most often seen in the
vicinity of Le-Koro, and the Le-Koro Matoran must always be on guard when
swinging through the trees.
The Kofo-Jaga are small in size, but great in the potential danger they pose
to the unwary. Kofo Jaga are found most often in the vicinity of Onu-Koro, but
it is believed they may have migrated there from the Ta-Koro area at some time
in the distant past.
The Ussal are crabs known for their ability to tunnel. The Matoran of Onu-Koro
use them for transport and for sport - Ussal crab racing is one of the
best-loved competitions in the village. The Ussalry is a mounted defense force
for Onu-Koro, featuring Matoran riding on Ussal crabs.
Rahi of Metru Nui
I’m basically going to start with the smallest one and
go up:
Protodites: These things are microscopic. They
escaped from their containment pens a long time ago and have probably spread all
the way throughout the Archives by now. Exactly what they're like and when they
make their appearance is not known right now.
Frost leech: A real pain. Frost leeches are
small creatures with incredibly low body temperatures—so low they have to attach
themselves to an object (preferably living) and suck the heat out of it to
survive. Nuju has an encounter with a hungry frost leech in the Archives.
lava eel: I have no clue how big these things
are, but they can't be that big. Ta-Matoran sometimes keep them as pets at home.
Its probably hard to keep them, since you need special material to make cages,
because when a lava eel gets agitated, its body heats up.
Kavinika: These wolf-like creatures were
originally intended as guards for low-priority facilities. Unfortunately, their
nature was such that they would fight each other, Ussal crabs and other Rahi,
and even threatened their Matoran masters. As a result, efforts have been made
to drive them out of the city, although with limited success so far. The Toa
Metru will probably fight these things in the future.
Kinloka: Although this creature resembles an
insect, it is in fact a particularly vicious form of large rodent. A distant
relative of the stone rats of Onu-Metru, this creature seems to be the result of
an experiment to produce an animal with a more efficient digestive system. The
unfortunate result was a nasty beast that is always hungry, and will devour
anything in its path. They commonly carry disks with the weaken power too slow
down opponents. As with above, this one will probably show up later on.
Tunneler: There are only two things that are
known to make carvers in Po-Metru run fast: quitting time, or a rogue tunneler.
Tunnelers have been a problem in Po-Metru for a very long time. They’re
lizard-like Rahi normally about twice as long as a Matoran is tall (though they
can grow larger), with an appetite for solid protodermis. They’ve been known to
dig up into warehouses and consuming everything from raw protodermis blocks to
finished tools. They rarely pose a real threat to Matoran, but every once in a
while one will go bad and rampage through the work areas. Signs of madness are
red eyes and mottled scales. Thing that makes fighting tunnelers tricky is this:
they turn into whatever element hits them. Throw fire at them, they burst into
walking fireplaces; throw rocks at them, they turn into really strong stone
lizards. Throw solid protodermis at them...they get free lunch, and
really tough hides.
Two-headed Tarakava: Well, the Toa Metru don’t
fight this thing, but it is just too cool to leave out! A mutated Tarakava, it
came from Ga-Metru, but now has a personal tank in the Archives. Two heads isn’t
all that’s different—this thing is touchier than unstable dynamite. As Whenua
says, “We have rules here too—like don’t annoy the two-headed Tarakava, if at
all possible.” Two Ga-Matoran in a fishing skiff got it mad once. They were
lucky to make it out of the sea. The skiff ended up as sawdust. As I said, the
Toa Metru don’t fight it, but it does ram against its tank when Nuju looks in.
Kralhi: This creature may resemble a Rahi, but
in fact it is purely robotic. It was the early design prototype for the Metru
Nui order enforcement squads, and perhaps two dozen of these were built. Its
tail launches an energy bubble which it can completely enclose an offender. The
prototype then drains energy from its captive into itself, leaving the
lawbreaker too weak to cause trouble for some time. There were eventually
“retired” in favor of the more efficient Vahki, but these beings refused to be
shut off and are believed to be hiding in some of the less-frequented sections
of the Archives. Future foe.
Kraawa: At first glance, this Rahi does not seem
particularly frightening or dangerous. Yet it is held in the most secure section
of the Onu-Metru Archives and any and all contact with it is strictly forbidden.
Apparently, its defense against predators is its ability to absorb any force
used against it and use that energy to grow. Matoran are unsure whether any
other specimens exist, but the sincerely hope they do not. The Toa Metru haven’t
fought this one...yet. But they will!
The Shapeshifter: This Rahi is stationed in the
Archives, not in stasis, and is forbidden to even be seen. This creature is very
formidable indeed. As Whenua puts it, “The last archivist that came down here
hasn’t said a word since. Screams a lot, though.” It can imitate anything and
change its color very quickly; where there once stood a blank wall, there are
clawed arms and spikes growing out of it in seconds. There’s only one known, but
as Greg puts it, “It can’t be one of a kind. It’s too cool to be.” So look
forward to more sometime! Nuju and Whenua fight this one in the Archives.
Rahi Nui
"Beware the Rahi Nui...beware the beast of horns and
claws, who stalks the land, sea, and air. Born to seek the Toa, it will bring
down all the works of Matoran in its path. You will know it by its roar, by the
shaking of the ground as it strides, by the fierce glow of its eyes. Guard well
against it, or it shall be the end of all."
-Turaga Vakama
This is one that is not unknown to us: the Toa Nuva
faced it while powerless during the Kal saga. The Rahi Nui is a creation of
Makuta, mixing the worst of five Rahi, with the head of a Kane-Ra, the forelegs
of a Tarakava, the body and hind legs of a Muaka, the tail of a Nui-Jaga, and a
pair of oversized Nui-Rama wings; the total creature is three times the size of
a Toa. Makuta created it for a single purpose: to seek out and destroy Toa. The
Toa Metru faced it on Mata Nui, and they were barely able to defeat it. How they
beat it is something that will be revealed later in the storyline.
The oversized Ussal crab: Another denizen of the
Archive sublevels. You never see the entire thing—only its claw, which is big
enough to hold both Whenua and Nuju. Not much is known about it—it’s practically
blind, so it has super-sensitive hearing. It’s rare—either a mutant or a hybrid
with something else. Guess who fights it where.
The sea monster: Not much on this one either.
It’s a big fish with a voracious appetite (seems to have a special taste for Toa
Metru) and teeth so large Nokama mistook them for outcroppings. It lives right
next to the
Great Temple, but
way below the surface. The Ga-Metru Great Kanoka was hidden inside this thing's
mouth. Nokama...well, you can guess how she ran into it.